
  • Mitch Keamy Photo Mitch Keamy is an anesthesiologist in Las Vegas Nevada Andy Kofke Photo Andy Kofke is a Professor of Neuro-anesthesiology and Critical Care at the University of Pennslvania Mike O'Connor Mike O'Connor is Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care at the University of Chicago Rob Dean Photo Rob Dean is a cardiac anesthesiologist in Grand Rapids Michigan, with extensive experience in O.R. administration.

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Mike, I think one other issue for academic medicine is the amount of debt incurred as a medical student. The goverment has not only cut funding for research but for student education as well. It is hard to live on an academic salary with $200,000 in school debt. I don't care how inquisitive or academically bent a person is that is an unsustainable level of debt on 110k/yr.
When I left U of C in 1990 I owed $185,000 in med school debt. Roizen couldn't afford me.

andrew kofke

great commentary on issues in academic anesthesia. I still am glad i do it.

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